Ever wonder how schools and community-based organizations participate in DiscoverU Week? Ulises Herrera of College Success Foundation shares how multiple partners came together to make DiscoverU Week happen at Kentwood High School.
To kick off DiscoverU Week at Kentwood High School, community organizations in Kent came together to inform our students about their programs and what opportunities they had for youth to get involved in. Organizations such as Children’s Home Society, Center for Children and Youth Justice (CCYJ), YMCA of Kent, Consejo Counseling, and Year Up attended this year’s event and started our week off with information that educated our youth on the different careers and possibilities that are in the nonprofit fields. After talking to some of the youth, we learned they were glad to know about resources in Kent they could access that they did not know about previously. CCYJ said they were glad to be a part of this event because, “if even one student received this information and learned about us, that is what counts.” Kentwood is thankful to these organizations for taking the time out of their busy day to be present for our students and to inform our youth. One student from every lunch period was able to win a Hydroflask for taking the time to visit the organizations and ask thoughtful questions.
Up next, College Success Foundation partnered with the career specialist at Kentwood, promoting college and career readiness by hosting a spin the wheel competition. Students learned about college majors, types of financial aid available, differences between private and public universities, and much more. Students answered tough questions and were able to work together with their peers and answer those questions. The teamwork that was shown emphasized the need to build community and how working together helped them accomplish a common goal. It was especially rewarding to see our young students of color wanting to learn this information and always trying their hardest to answer our questions.
To end the week, students attended the University of Washington Tacoma Preview Day for seniors interested in attending the college. Students received a tour of the school, attended learning labs, and participated in a spirit rally to get them hyped up about UW Tacoma. Twenty students, all from underrepresented backgrounds, attended this event and helped make it successful. Huge shout out to DiscoverU and the Community Center for Education Results! We were able to provide the Hydroflasks, candy, and prizes to our students to get them engaged and keep them wanting to go down the right path.